In general;

Please feel free to; engage with my content heavily/spam like. DM me anytime (including just randomly sending posts/things you think I'll like). I'll talk about anything.
(Although, I can be slow at answering, I sometimes lack spoons to respond, and I have memory issues so I may forget to respond, please remind me if I don't answer within a couple of days.)
tag me in posts, comments, tag games, etc. ask me anything (fandom, personal, whatever, I basically have no boundaries). ask where I got something. give me compliments. I shamelessly love any complimentary terms & terms of endearment! give me cute/silly pet names. flirt with me platonically or earnestly (as long as you're 18+). However, if it crosses the line of platonic to something else (or if you want it to) please let me know because I may not pick up on the 'signals' to know on my own. sexualize me (again, as long as you're 18+). In fact, it's encouraged. I'm begging you to, please sexulize the fuck out of me. make comments about my body. make sexual comments. make fanart of me. It's encouraged, I would love it! make edits of me. write fanfiction of me. It can be NSFW. Tag me/bring it to my attention and I'll probably read it/comment. ship me with other people (as long as they're okay with it and as long as they're 18+). compare me to others (looks or personality-wise). jokingly insult me. jokingly or affectionately make fun of my looks, voice, speech patterns, the way I do something, etc. give me unsolicited advice. give me constructive criticism.

For my fanart;

Feel free to; use my art as a pfp/header as long as you give me credit. use my ideas, headcanons, poses, etc. Please just give me credit/a shoutout as inspiration. Also, if want to tag me or send it to me, I'd love to see anything you make!Please don't; repost my art without my permission. If I find out that you have, I will block you.

For my fics
& original stories;

Feel free to;
leave comments (multiple times if you wish). I would love it!
use my ideas/headcanons (from my posts too). Please just give me credit/a shoutout as inspiration. Also, if want to tag me or send it to me, I'd love to see anything you make! make art inspired by fics/stories.Contact me if;
you want to translate or make an audio version of one of my fics.
Please don't;
repost my fics. Again, if I find out that you have, I will block you.

For my ocs
& self-inserts;

Please feel free to;
make fics/fanart of them. With or without your OCs if you want. And as long as you're 18+, you can even make NSFW fics/fanart of them.
create headcanons for them. ship them with your OCs, self-inserts, or with other fictional characters (but only if your 18+). kin them. basically, do whatever you want with them. Treat them like any other fictional character.

Opinions &

I'm radically inclusive and I support all good faith queer identities.I'm anti-harassment.
I live by "do no harm, take no shit".
I support; Black Lives Matter, Asian Lives Matter, Free Palestine, All Cops Are Bastards, defunding the police, and basic necessities being free.I'm pro; sex work(er), kink, paraphilia, choice, weed, sexual & non-sexual age regression/pet regression, sexual & non-sexual CGL, endogenic systems, self diagnosis, vaccines, wearing a mask, kinning (including choice-kin, kin for fun, etc), and separation of art and artist. I support age-gap relationships of any length as long as everyone involved are adults. I don't give a fuck what adults do or what peoples attractions are, as long as consent is not violated & no one is harmed. Thought doesn't equal action.I'm proship/profic I'm proship/profic. I support The Three Laws Of Fandom. Fiction is not reality and I read, watch, write, ship, or otherwise enjoy any kind of fictional content I want. I think any and all fictional content, ships, & kinks are good and valid. My fictional preferences do not reflect my real-life morals. I like have a taste for dark/taboo content, but I also enjoy fluff, and wholesome content. I also identify as a 🌈🍖 (rainbow meat). I'm pro RPF, yume/selfshipping, self-inserts, OCs, reader-inserts, & Fujin/Fujoshi/Fudanshi. You don't have to have trauma to create &/or indulge in dark/taboo fiction. Fandom doesn't have age limits. You don't have to stop being interested in something once you reach a certain age. That's ageist bullshit.I'm anti bigots of any flavor, capitalism, death penalty, sysmed, NFTs and AI "art/stories", (but I do enjoy playing with AI chatbots like on Character AI). I don't believe in policing slurs or gatekeeping terms such as femme, butch, futch, bear, twink, otter, etc.I'm a leftist, I talk about politics often, and I don't fuck with conservative bullshit.
If you're a Republican/conservative/right-wing we probably won't get along.
If you're a nazi, fascist, or tr*mp supporter, fuck off.
I'm an agnostic atheist and certainly not religious in any way, but I'm against Antitheism. Everyone should be able to believe or not believe in anything they want, and no one should force their beliefs (theismic or atheismic) onto someone else.


I try to put cws/tws on stuff I post, but I may occasionally forget, and my rts may be untagged.I like a lot of animals (including felines, insects, reptiles, bats, rodents, cephalopods, birds, etc.) I will rt art & real pics/vids of them. I won't tag tweets about them unless asked by a mutual.Additionally, I don't tag most scary stuff/monsters/creatures, clowns, but I will if asked by a mutual.The Main Dead Doves I Dine On/My Favorite Flavors of Fucked-Up Fiction; incest underage/lolisho non-con monsterfuckery blood gore/guro torture murder cannibalism vore wound fucking abuse obsession stalking vouyerism, necrophilia furry stuff (mostly anthropomorphic) beastialityMy only squick (that I know of) is scat.

Just so
you know;

I'm FUB free; Meaning you should Follow, Unfollow, Block (& mute) as needed.
I'm sorry if you soft block me and I follow you again, I have memory issues. You may want to hardblock me if you want to make sure I won't follow/interact with you again.
English is the only language I'm fluent in.I'm neurodivergent and mentally ill, I will talk about and share things relating to this at times.
l make mistakes, sometimes misunderstand things when I'm emotional, and easily miss social cues/tones/etc.
Please be patient with me, but never be afraid to be blunt/upfront with me. I prefer for things to be put straightforward, if it's left up to my interpretation I may misunderstand or not act/reply if I'm unsure.
Because I don't have many boundaries or squicks or triggers and I tend to forget other people do, it would be highly appreciated if you point out any mistakes I make and let me know if ever say or do anything that makes you uncomfortable/I overstep my boundaries.
Please be warned;
I'm mercurial/moody.
I have low empathy and can, at times, get annoyed easily.
I can both be impulsive and overthink things.
I sometimes overshare/don't know what too much information is I can get really carried away when talking about something I like;
I infodump.
I use all caps when I'm excited.
I often keysmash.
I use a lot of emojis.
I use exclamation marks more than I probably should because sometimes ending sentences with a period feels too flat.
I don't necessarily need tone indicators, but they would be appreciated when it comes to ambiguous (like if it could be taken as insulting or in anger) or sarcastic things directed at me.I'm facetious and sarcastic. I have trouble taking things seriously and being serious, my go to method of coping and dealing with almost anything is humor.
I have both a self-deprecating & self-aggrandizing sense of humor.
My humor can often be very sexual/suggestive.
I like to think I'm funny.
I'm a stoner, I sometimes talk about and reblog/share media of weed & things related to it.I cuss a lot. I will not be tagging this in things I make, share, or post.I like using pet names; but I will only do so if you're comfortable with it.As a friendly flirt, I'll flirt with you if I know you're okay with it, or if you flirt with me first.I reclaim the slurs; pansy, fruit/fruity, fruitcake, fag/faggot, freak, tranny, dyke, & retard. If we're close or have been mutuals for a long time, you can jokingly/playfully call me these.I may make kill myself jokes similar to those made in classic MST3K episodes.I have several social media accounts because I like to separate my interests and it pleases me to have different layouts.
I consume a lot of media at a fast rate, and I'm part of many fandoms, my activity level on any of my accounts will likely be sporadic and subject to periods of either extreme activity or no activity at all.
If you have a problem with the content I create/consume you can file a complaint at the law offices of 'Waa Waa Waaaa & Bite Me'. What I'm saying is; if you hate me kill me, or shut the fuck up and get off my dick.

I block very liberally, I like to curate my space, and I have never interacted with most of the accounts I have blocked.
If you think I've blocked you by mistake, send a message to my